Have you ever wondered why some things sink and some things float? Is there a connection between you floating in a swimming pool and a balloon floating in the air? You... more
Have you ever opened up an old computer or cell phone and looked at the circuits inside? Have you thought about what all those little parts do? In this session, we’ll make... more
Did you know that there is a connection between a rainbow and your reflection in a mirror? You can produce your own 3D images and write secret messages that can only be... more
Did you know that if you throw a ball at a wall there is a very, very, very small chance it will simply pass right through it instead of bouncing off it? Do you think... more
Have you ever wondered how a robot works? In this session, we will learn how to design, build, and program robots. We will also explore how robots fit into society, from... more
Jump into the static electric party! See lightning bolts. Do hands-on projects with sticking balloons, electrostatic fleas, and stored up charges that make super sparklers... more
Have you ever wondered if there’s life on other worlds? How do you find out about something so far away? In this session we will learn about different methods of probing... more